Subject competitions provide valuable support to the teaching / learning process. Particular attention should be paid to competitions recommended by pedagogical supervision bodies, which should be very popular, both among students and teachers. The aim of the article was to investigate trends in the participation in Polish competition miniLogia. The contest is organized for children from the Mazovian primary schools and is aimed at revealing and developing computing talents, and raising the level of informatics education. The quantitative research exploited data from the thirteen years, from school year 2006/2007 to 2018/2019. In particular, the results obtained by 850 students in the third level of each year of the competition were analysed. The results show the decreasing participation of students, especially from the towns outside Warsaw. There is also an increasing share of non-public school students among finalists. The proportion of girls who advance to the highest level of the competition is still significantly lower than the corresponding percentage of boys. Moreover, the results show male participants still score higher than girls. The findings indicate the need for change in Polish computing education on the primary level and suggest a direction for future research.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach ; doi:10.25951/4810
Studia Pedagogiczne. Problemy społeczne, edukacyjne i artystyczne
Feb 14, 2023
Apr 20, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Duda, Ewa, Participation in the miniLogia Computing Competition – TrendsEmerging from the Long-Run Experience | Feb 14, 2023 |