The paper deals with the issues of the system of education and education policy priorities in Uzbekistan. The aim of the paper is to present visible developing trends in reforming primary and secondary education in Uzbekistan within the last 30 years. The paper highlights the most significant changes that were introduced into the system of education in Uzbekistan in order to make the system more effective. Observed post-soviet strategic changes in education in Uzbekistan have had huge impact on the structure of the education system, school curricula and the educational delivery system. It is argued that changes in the system of education should include a central place for the teacher and the quality of teacher education. The paper contributes to description of education and education policy of the country that has generally been less visible in the international literature.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach ; doi:10.25951/4376
Studia Pedagogiczne. Problemy społeczne, edukacyjne i artystyczne
Feb 14, 2023
Nov 25, 2021