This paper deals with the influence of the advent of digital media technologies onacademic discourse. Specifically, it addresses the changes in the argumentative realizationsof two academic genres belonging to the same genre colony, written abstracts (WAB)and video abstracts (VAB), in management journals. The study proposes an analysis ofthe rhetorical strategies used by authors to express their authorial selves and to createa relationship with the readers. Specifically, the study addresses the role and changesin metadiscourse, focusing on stance (hedges, boosters, self-mentions, attitude markers)and engagement markers (reader pronouns, directives, questions, shared knowledge,asides) as means for writers to guide readers and display an appropriate professionalpersona. These elements are an important aspect of persuasive writing and may beemployed differently due to the genre hybridization caused by the multimodal shift ofthe textual realization. Results of the analysis will show that metadiscursive items arefar more present in VABs than in WABs, thus highlighting a greater interactivity in theconstruction of the academic argument as regards both the presence of the author andthe search for scholarly solidarity communality with the parent discourse community
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach ; doi:10.25951/4306
Token : A Journal of English Linguistics
Feb 14, 2023
Nov 25, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Cavalieri, Silvia, From abstracts to video-abstracts: Academic argumentationin genre hybridization | Feb 14, 2023 |
Bondi, Marina Cavalieri, Silvia Marchiò, Maddalena Biagini, Giuseppe