Verbal nouns with the meaning of action in Russian are a special class of nouns. The article attempts to check whether speakers perceive nuances of the verbal aspect in nouns with the mean-ing of action, and what factors it depends on. The results of a linguistic survey of native speakers of Russian are presented. Russian verbal noun largely inherit verbal semantics and – in the pres-ence of a suitable correlative pair – exhibit a marked tendency toward aspectual differentiation in usus. However, the combination of several factors in specific lexemes (correlation with a verb of a certain aspect, presence or absence of aspectual markers, type of transpositional suffix, absence of a correlative pair, low usage in speech) can lead to the appearance of idiosyncratic aspectual features in them.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach ; doi:10.25951/4796
Studia Rusycystyczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego
Feb 14, 2023
Apr 20, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Pchelintseva, Elena, Spaseniye ili spasaniye, ili nuzhna li kategoriya vida russkim otglagolnym imenam | Feb 14, 2023 |