This paper illustrates the results of a research carried out on the terms and conceptswhich became widespread during the 2008 financial crisis. More precisely, the purposeof the paper is to assess how and to what extent the ideological stances that emergefrom the linguistic analysis of the frame and situational context of these terms and theway in which they are textually construed reflect the socio-economic and historicalbackground of the early 2000s, i.e. the years before, during and after the crisis. Specialattention is paid to the discussion of the linguistic devices, e.g. metaphorical expressions,that are used to express ideology overtly or covertly. To achieve this goal, our study iscarried out on a set of corpora consisting of texts published between 2004 and 2019. Somecorpora are available online, others have been compiled for the purpose of the presentresearch. Using an approach which draws upon cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics,and, in part, critical metaphor analysis, the analysis of some terms, expressions and theirmetaphorical meaning shows the rise and fall of the neoliberal ideology in the wake ofthe 2008 subprime crisis.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach ; doi:10.25951/4310
Token : A Journal of English Linguistics
Feb 14, 2023
Nov 25, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Falco, Gaetano, Metaphorical patterns and ideology in economic and financial discourse | Feb 14, 2023 |