
Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej.
Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej.

Tytuł: Prawa strony w postępowaniu o udzielenie ochrony międzynarodowej małoletniemu bez opieki na terytorium RP

Tytuł odmienny:

Rights of a party in the proceedings for granting international protection to an unaccompanied minors on the territory of the Republic of Poland


The subject of this doctoral dissertation is the analysis of the rights of refugees in the proceedings for granting international legal protection, with the emphasis on unaccompanied minors. The study compares the standards of protection of refugee rights in the international, European and regional law (European Union and Polish law) in order to examine and describe the legal position of an unaccompanied minor in the procedure of international legal protection. The value of this work was interdisciplinary which is why I combined the analysis of the international law, Polish constitutional law and administrative and court-administrative law.
The work contains four chapters. In chapter I entitled "General characteristics of refugees", I presented the general characteristics of the refugee protection system, defined the concept of a refugee and described the historical development of the refugee status, divided into the systems of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. In chapter II entitled "Rights of a party in proceedings for granting international legal protection to an unaccompanied minor in the territory of the state in the light of international regulations", I presented the rights of a party in proceedings for granting international legal protection to unaccompanied minors on the territory of the state in the light of international regulations. Then, in chapter III entitled "Rights of a party in proceedings for granting international legal protection to an unaccompanied minor in the territory of the Republic of Poland in the light of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and legislation" I focused on the constitutional analysis and the rights of a party in proceedings for granting international legal protection resulting from the system of legal acts in Poland an unaccompanied minors on the territory of the Republic of Poland. Chapter IV entitled "The implementation of the right of a party in proceedings for granting international legal protection to an unaccompanied minor in the light of the practice of the Polish authorities" was based on the presentation of the exercise of the rights of a party in administrative and court-administrative proceedings for granting international legal protection to an unaccompanied minor in the light of the practice of the Polish authorities.


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Instytucja nadająca tytuł:

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


Jaskiernia, Jerzy (1950- ) ; Bator-Bryła, Monika. Promotor pomocniczy


Grzeszczak, Robert ; Menkes, Jerzy Brunon ; Stadniczeńko, Stanisław Leszek

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Dziedzina nauk społecznych

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Nauki prawne


Wydział Prawa i Nauk Społecznych


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tylko w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej

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Data ostatniej modyfikacji:

13 mar 2023

Data dodania obiektu:

13 mar 2023

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