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Ta publikacja jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Dostęp do jej cyfrowej wersji jest możliwy w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej.

Tytuł: Działalność publicystyczna Agatona Gillera (1831-1887) w dobie powstania styczniowego

Tytuł odmienny:

Journalistic activity of Agaton Giller (1831-1887)in the era of the january uprising


The particularly outstanding figure in the Warsaw journalistic and conspirational milieu in the 2nd half of the 19th century was Agaton Giller (1831-1887). As a Siberian exile and a person who was deeply involved in the national-liberation movement, he was well-known and respected. Since 1864 he stayed in exile where he was mainly recognized as a historian dealing with the January Uprising. His writing output influenced to a great extent the strengthening of the tradition of the Polish acts for independence in the awareness of a few generations. Agaton Giller’s journalistic and editorial activity is one of the less known fields of his activity. The articles and magazines which he co-authored and edited are a very interesting source material on the basis of which it is possible to present how Giller’s views formed and what role he played in the years preceding the Uprising and during the fights conducted in 1863. The main subject of this dissertation was the analysis of Agaton Giller’s articles, published in newspapers and magazines from 1856 to December 1863. It included Giller’s views concerning such issues as the moral revolution, Russia and Aleksander Wielopolski’s policies, the peasant issue, the armed uprising and the reasons for the fall of the uprising. The dissertation also attempted to conduct comparative studies of Agaton Giller’s views concerning social and political issues from the era of the January Uprising with his views formulated in his writing activity after the fall of the January Uprising. The conducted analysis made it possible to formulate interesting conclusions. One of them shows that Agaton Giller’s views were shaped by the literature of the Romanticism era. Who influenced him were the leading representatives of the philosophical thought, theorists of the social revolution as well as ideologues of democracy of the 19th century. He was a supporter of democratic ideas, expressing progress and a better future but he did not reject conservative solutions. He combined them, adapted them to the needs of the country and propagated them, becoming the leader of the 1863 movement.
He was a supporter of organic work whose aim was to educate a modern society, basing its existence on the rules of unity, national consensus, fraternity, equality of rights and religious tolerance. The aim of these activities was also to lift morality, the awareness of the society and to prepare it to participate in the people’s war. Agaton Giller was an ardent opponent of the imperialist policy of the Czarist Russia and of establishing any kind of cooperation with it. He believed that the country had enough forces to win independence on it own and the key to trigger these forces was to acquire millions of new citizens by solving the peasants’ issue. Through the analysis of Agaton Giller’s journalism and literary works as well as the works of authors dealing with research into social and political issues of that era, it has been attempted to show Agaton Giller’s impact on the patriotic opinion and to explain his negative attitude to Aleksander Wielopolski’s loyalist policy. Also issues connected with the plans of military struggle and the views concerning the reasons for the fall of the January Uprising were an interesting subject of research. The research into Agaton Giller’s journalistic activity showed what important role he played in the era of the January Uprising and the time preceding its outbreak. It also enabled a better insight into Giller as a person and as one of the main leaders of conspirational activities. It also contributed to completing the information concerning Agaton Giller’s activity.


Zawiera bibliografię ; Streszcz. ang.


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Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


Michalska-Bracha, Lidia

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29 gru 2022

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