The dissertation "The role of the police in ensuring security and public order during natural disasters in the Silesian Voivodeship in 2010-2018" deals with the subject of threats occurring in a specific geographical and time frames during dangerous weather anomalies and forms of counteracting their negative effects by police forces. An important reason for taking up this subject is the climate changes taking place in the world, which are increasingly felt in our country and constitute a significant cause for concern - especially in the context of the lack of fully adequate ways of responding to them by the institutions provided for this purpose. This remark partly concerns also the Police, which, despite significant involvement of its officers in the discussed time in the area of the Silesian Voivodeship, was not able to take fully satisfactory measures to ensure public safety and order during natural disasters. Signs of weakness in the functioning of this formation in this context must be disturbing, the more so that in the future Poland may experience more serious weather anomalies than hitherto. The choice of Silesian Voivodship in this study is related to the significant degree of environmental pollution which the area has "inherited", to a large extent, from the economic policy of the People's Republic of Poland. The resulting pollution currently poses serious threats - e.g. during the occurrence of weather anomalies. The period from 2010 to 2018 was selected due to the schedule of "natural disasters" that occurred in the area at that time, as well as the internal situation of the Police, which determines its ability to act. The analysis of the situation in the studied period allowed us to observe that the Police have a significant development potential, which, if properly directed, may contribute to increasing their effectiveness in various areas, including in the field of counteracting the negative effects of natural disasters in the context of ensuring public safety and order.
Conducting considerations on this subject was connected with the necessity to present a number of issues introducing and deepening the research problem. In this regard, relevant knowledge from the field of political science as well as related disciplines has been used. A significant part of the considerations was also devoted to the issue of the functioning of organisations, including the concept of disposition groups. Thematic blocks reflected in the thesis include: - security and public order; - Security structures in Poland; - The role of the Police in the system of national security; - main tasks of contemporary police; - globalisation and civilisation challenges; - climate change and natural disasters in the modern world; - Silesian voivodeship in the context of threats of natural disasters; - Police activities to ensure the safety of the population and public order during natural disasters during natural disasters in the Silesian Voivodeship at the discussed time - police cooperation with other organisations during natural disasters in the context of discussed experiences. Within the framework of the presentation of the above thematic groups, important issues for the understanding of the subject matter were discussed, among them social conditions of safety, cultural aspects of behaviour of the population during natural disasters, technical aspects of the flow of information or the importance of cooperation between the police and rescue and medical services on a national and international scale in the context of global changes. Social determinants of safety, cultural aspects of how people behave during natural disasters, technical aspects of information flows or the importance of police, rescue and medical cooperation at national and international level in the context of global change. An important purpose of this study was to investigate the reasons for the occurrence of problems in police operations during natural disasters. Their diagnosis enabled formulating a number of specific proposals for changes in the work of this formation, which may improve the effectiveness of its operations and contribute to increasing the level of security and public order during natural disasters.
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
Janik, Robert (1963- ) ; Grzela, Joanna (1970- ). Promotor pomocniczy
Nauki o polityce i administracji
Wydział Prawa i Nauk Społecznych
tylko w Oddziale Informacji Naukowej
Dec 8, 2022
Dec 8, 2022