@misc{Warchał_Krystyna_Concluding_2023, author={Warchał, Krystyna}, address={Kielce}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Jan Kochanowski University Press}, language={angielski}, abstract={This paper offers an individual perspective on the evolution of genre standards by looking into a collection of texts published throughout 30 years of a research career by a scholar whose main field is applied psycholinguistics and whose main language of publication is English, her second language. The material is limited to concluding sections of English-language single-authored monograph chapters and journal articles published in the years 1990-2019, beginning with early, pre-doctoral publications, to full professorship contributions. The analysis focuses on the relative prominence of concluding moves and the changes in the use of first-person pronouns and epistemic markers in texts representing different stages of academic career. Apart from documenting the development of genre competence and the growth of the second language writer, the results may be indicative of an evolution of expectations towards}, type={tekst}, title={Concluding sections over 30 years of research writing : The case of a Polish scholar}, doi={10.25951/11262}, }