@misc{Rydzek_Marcin_Bezpieczeństwo, author={Rydzek, Marcin}, howpublished={online}, school={Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach}, language={pol}, abstract={The technological progress of the second half of the last century, resulting from the emergence of four new fields of technology and economy, transformed the world, completely changing living conditions for all subsequent generations. And the rapid development of science that will take place over the next two decades will revolutionize human existence on Earth. This broadly understood technological transformation will cause changes in every sphere of life, which will affect the dynamics of civilization development. The results of applying modem technologies can be impressive. Most likely, they will be reflected in the improvement of the quality, comfort and life expectancy of people. These changes that will take place in the sphere of science will also have consequences for global security. Through artificial intelligence, risk analysis can be performed based on selected data, reducing the time needed by the security analyst to make key decisions and coordinate countermeasures against the detected threat. Al will also relieve Staff from tedious and routine tasks. In tum, synthetic biology will increase the possibilities of the biological world beyond what evolution has created, which is limited almost exclusively by human imagination. Terahertz radiation, on the other hand, is used in unmasking hidden weapons during illegal transport. Finally, nanotechnologies together with intelligent materials will change the way devices are manufactured and will influence the generation of new abilities that will ultimately improve the quality, comfort and length of life. This dissertation consists of four chapters that complement each other in terms of the knowledge transferred. Thus, Chapter 1. Methodological aspects of conducted research concems the methodological and organizational assumptions of research, the subject and purpose of research. research problems, as well as research methods, techniques and tools. Chapter 2. The strategie security environment from the late 1990s to the end of the third decade of the 21 st century concems the evolution of the security environment by identifying the main challenges and threats, as well as identifying trends shaping global security. Chapter 3. Technological transformations and their impact on the spheres of life in global terms presents the technological transformation at the tum of the 2Oth and 21 st centuries and its impact on the sphere of life in global terms, taking into account, among others. artificial intelligence. Also, synthetic biology has been characterized as a new discipline of technical Sciences, and hypersonic weapons as a conventional altemative to nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. Chapter 4. Modem technologies in creating global security concems the impact of nanotechnology on generating new capabilities, terahertz radiation as a technology for detecting and counteracting potential threats, as well as modem technologies in creating intemational security until the end of the third decade of the 21 st century.}, type={rozprawa doktorska}, title={Bezpieczeństwo w warunkach transformacji technologicznej}, }