@misc{Nestmann_Magdalena_A._Status, author={Nestmann, Magdalena A.}, howpublished={online}, school={Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach}, language={pol}, abstract={Recently, the migration crisis in Europe has become a much-discussed problem, and the main reason for this is that the Federal Republic of Germany in particular is taking in a large number of refugees. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s policy of open borders for Syrian migrants was the result of the migration of refugees on Syrian territory. Germany plays a leading role in the migration crisis that has confronted the European Union in recent years. The aim of the dissertation is to analyse the legal status and system practice in the Federal Republic of Germany in the light of international standards and to reconstruct the dynamics of the reform of immigration and asylum policy. In this paper, I wanted to confront the different research directions and approaches to the refugee phenomenon, and that the work is rich in knowledge and detail, dealing with the different aspects of refugee work in the Federal Republic of Germany and around the world and conveying a wealth of knowledge about asylum seekers. Although the Polish literature on the constitution of German law in the Federal Republic of Germany is quite extensive, this problem has not yet been dealt with in monographs. The analysis of the dissertation is presented in four chapters: Chapter one of the thesis deals with the general characteristics of refugee status, i. e. the concept of refugee, the origin and development of legal status, and the legal basis for regulating refugee status. The second chapter of this paper specifically examines the Geneva Convention, which has fundamentally changed the perception of the term “refugee” and its practical aspects. Other standards of regional European organisations, i. e. the Council of Europe or the European Union, were also examined. The refugee procedure and the principle of non- refoulement as a basis for refugee protection were discussed at length. The third chapter examines the regulations governing refugee status in the Basic Law and the legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany. The asylum procedure (including hearing and decision) and the right to family reunification were discussed. Based on studies and interviews with Syrian refugees, the work was enriched by their testimonies. This chapter also deals with the loss of refugee status and explains the main tasks of the Office for Migration and Refugees. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of German asylum policy, including its development and intensification. Integration and social policies were examined. The question of the German legal system and the question of how the German authorities intend to adapt to the new circumstances of the crisis was discussed at length.}, type={rozprawa doktorska}, title={Status prawny uchodźców i praktyka ich traktowania w Republice Federalnej Niemiec w świetle standardów międzynarodowych}, }