@misc{Kania_Agnieszka_Kadra, author={Kania, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, school={Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach}, language={pol}, abstract={The Faculty of Fine Arts was created as the one of sixth faculties at the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius in the interwar period. The scientific and artistic entity was founded in 1919 thanks to the efforts of a painter and educator, Ferdinand Ruszczyc. The aim of the Faculty was to educate future artists, architects, conservators and teachers of artistic fields. In the initial period the training was carried out in two departments: a department of general artistic education and a department of architecture. However, due to the economical problems in the Second Polish Republic, the department of architecture was closed in 1926. The Faculty comprised research staff related to different artistic and scientific centers in Poland. They were employed either as the academic teachers or non-academic teachers. The position depended on the contract they were received from the authorities. The first group contained professors, deputy professors and honored professors, whereas the second latter consisted of assistants, adjuncts and artistic supervisors. The whole group of academic staff working at the Faculty was quite small team of 17 academic and 11 non-academic teachers in the interwar period. However, thanks to their creativity, organizational skills and professional background, they were able to influence and create many cultural and scientific activities. In order to investigate the functioning of the Faculty it was necessary to conduct a study of the activities of the Faculty’s authorities. The deans of the Faculty of Fine Arts were Ferdynand Ruszczyc, Juliusz Kłos and Ludomir Sleńdziński and the deputy-deans included Józef Czajkowski, Juliusz Kłos, Ludwik Sokolowski, Ferdynanad Ruszczyc and Marian Morelowski. The materials contained in archival collections, in particular located in Lithuanian Central State Archive in Vilnius under the section of the Stefan Batory University. The significant materials were also located in Lithuanian Historical State Archival as well as in Polish archives and libraries. The important aim of the work was to investigate the influence of the Faculty and its authorities on the academic environment in Vilnius. The research focused in particular on determining the impact of the individual on shaping the artistic and scientific environment. It was very important to understand the concept of the "master-tutor" authority and artistic impact on the audience. Employees of the Faculty created a very vibrant and active environment. Representatives of the staff actively participated not only in the university life but also in numerous cultural initiatives Vilnius. Active teachers were members of many societies including, among others, Ferdynand Ruszczyc, who was a member the Wastrel Society, the Society of Friends of Vilnius, supported the Literary Wednesdays and the Polish Radio in Vilnius, and other members of the faculty such as Juliusz Kłos, Marian Morelowski, Ludomir Sleńdziński, Jan Bułhak or Bolesław Bałzukiewicz. They supported cultural initiatives in the city, including active participation in open lectures addressed to the residents of Vilnius. Some employees of the Faculty developed their activities in the field of artistic education. It is worth mentioning Ludomir Selńdziński, who, along with Jerzy Hoppen, whether Tymon Niesiołowski formed the Society of Artists in Vilnius. The task of the association was to promote art among the residents of Vilnius and to facilitate artistic work in the local market. Members of the society actively supported artistic education at schools creating secondary school drawing programs. The work was focused of the details of different aspects of their biographies such as; professional environment, cultural and scientific activities, involvement in local cultural projects as well as their private and social relations.}, type={rozprawa doktorska}, title={Kadra akademicka Wydziału Sztuk Pięknych Uniwersytetu Stefana Batorego w Wilnie (1919-1939)}, }