@misc{Miszczuk_Marcin_Sojusz, author={Miszczuk, Marcin}, howpublished={online}, school={Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach}, language={pol}, abstract={The genesis of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) engagement in the process of ensuring intemational security outside the treaty area is linked to the evolution of threats to the global security, triggered by the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1991. The disintegration of a state, that was the main antagonist of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization reduced the risk of an open armed conflict between the Soviet Union and NATO. As a result, the collective defense military capabilities previously built by NATO have become obsolete. The collapse of the USSR dismissed the risk of a global armed conflict, thereby revealing previously unseen threats to national and regional security. The emergence of ethnic, religious, and nationalist conflicts has forced NATO to review the direction of its commitment to shaping international security. At the NATO Summit in Rome, NATO expressed its readiness to take military action beyond the nature of Article 5 of the Washington Treaty. The evolution of threats and NATO's desire to maintain a leading role in building global security were the genesis of the creation of the concept of NATO's crisis response operations. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization's activity in the process of ensuring security in Kosovo covers a period ofmore than two decades so far, making the mission of NATO forces in Kosovo the longest-running and largest NATO military operation in bistory. Providing security in Kosovo has been a long-standing challenge for NATO, which has required the Alliance's use of military means, diplomatic assets, training, and advisory engagement. It is assessed, that making a prediction of NATO's future involvement in Kosovo is a challenging task, due to the country's political and economic instability and the growing threat of open armed conflict involving the Russian Federation on NATO's eastern flank. The problems of Kosovo's security and the involvement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in this process, in view of the above arguments is cognitively interesting, in view of the unique nature, scale and specificity of NA TO's activities and the evolution of Kosovo's security environment.}, abstract={This dissertation explores the problems of NATO's contribution to the process of ensuring security in Kosovo. The content of the dissertation attempts to systematize the knowledge regarding the theory of ensuring state security and the practice of NATO's involvement in the process of establishing long-term peace in Kosovo. What is more, the dissertation proposes possible actions, that could be taken by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and particular member states in the future, for the purpose of obtaining Kosovo's full membership in the North Atlantic Alliance. The purpose of the research in this dissertation was to explain and evaluate the actions tak.en by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to ensure Kosovo's independence in terms of security, and to propose actions designed to achieve the country's membership in NATO. The first chapter presents the methodological basis of the research, the essence of the problematic situation, as well as the subject of the research, the main research problem and additional specific problems. Chapter one presents also the purpose of this research and outlines the worlcing hypothesis. Furthermore, this chapter characterizes the research process, research assumptions and limitations and provides an assessment of the literature. Chapter two reviews the theory of ensuring state security. It explains the essence of state security, demonstrates the relationship between threats and state security and characterizes the process of ensuring state security. The third chapter describes NATO's participation in the process of peace enforcement in Kosovo and the genesis and evolution of the conflict between Serbs and Albanians over Kosovo. Chapter three explains also the conditions, course, and consequences of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization air intervention and the objectives and operational conditions of the Kosovo Force (KFOR) mission. The fourth chapter presents the involvement of NATO in the process of stabilizing the security situation in Kosovo. Chapter four outlines also the evolution of the threats to Kosovo's security and explains the change in the direction of the KFOR mission. The chapter contains also an evaluation ofNATO's cooperation with extemal actors and an explanation of the effects ofNATO's support for the establishment of the Kosovo Protection Corps. The fifth chapter characterizes NATO's participation in the process of creating the national security forces of Kosovo. It presents the activities undertaken by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for the establishment of the Kosovo Armed Forces, actions taken for ensuring intemal security in Kosovo and describes NATO's engagement in the process of Kosovo Police and Kosovo Border Police fonnation. The sixth chapter contains proposals of actions that can be taken by NATO and member states for achieving Kosovo's full membership in the Alliance. In addition, it proposes NA TO actions that could be taken for the acquisition of operational capability by Kosovo's Armed Forces and to achieve their interoperability with NATO. Presented suggestions have been made also for future NATO's support for regional defense initiatives, and to strengthen Kosovo's defense sector.}, type={rozprawa doktorska}, title={Sojusz Północnoatlantycki w przestrzeni bezpieczeństwa Kosowa}, }