@misc{Jasiak-Fik_Justyna_Magdalena_Polityka, author={Jasiak-Fik, Justyna Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, school={Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach}, language={pol}, abstract={Praca doktorska poruszała tematykę stosowania środków wychowawczych i poprawczych względem osób nieletnich na tle przemian społeczno-gospodarczych na przykładzie województwa śląskiego. Opisywała zarówno politykę sądów w odniesieniu do stosowania środków zapobiegawczych względem tych osób. Skupiono się także wobec tematyki popełniania czynów karalnych przez osoby nieletnie.}, abstract={Chapter 1 of the dissertation introduces and defines a juvenile in the Polish criminal law system with the inlcusion of the definition of a minor, but also a definition of a crime itself. The key element of this chapter is to point out, based on the literature, what kind of criminal acts are commited by juvenile persons, including the frequency and characteristic of the causes of such acts. Chapter 2 presents determinants and requirements for the criminal acts to be commited by juvenile persons. All kinds of influences on juvenile persons were provided in relation to commitment of criminal acts. It is also crucial and important, in this chapter, to provide all signs of maladjustment taking place at various levels: personality, environment (family, school, peers or generally accepted social level). Chapter 3 presents, in particular, socio-economic changes observed after Poland joined the EU, but also before Poland joined the EU, and describes changes that heppened in silesian voivodeship. The situation on the job market is also described, matters of poverty and euro-orphanhood and social exclusion. This is accompanied by data from the silesian voivodeship, where the research is conducted (demographical, economic and social data). Chapter 4 presents the applied research methodology in detail. Presentation of research problematics will be essential in this chapter (main problem – relevant main problems). The aim of this dissertation and the subject of research are provided for. Also intruduced in every detail are: the research methods, techniques. However, own research methods, such as: a fact sheet, empty fact sheet for the analysis of individual case (cases) also interview questionaires for directors of the juvenile detention centres, tutors and judges of regional courts deciding in divisions for juvenile persons were only enumerated, but they were placed entirely in the appendix. Hypotheses were presented, research area was also described. Juvenile detention centres, where research was conducted, were described in detail (juvenile detention centre for boys in Pszczyna and detention centre for girls in Zawiercie). Chapter 5 is a description of the results of own research that was conducted. Answers are given to the questions that are raised, research hypotheses that were raised are verified.}, type={rozprawa doktorska}, title={Polityka stosowania środków wychowawczych i poprawczych wobec nieletnich na tle przemian społeczno-gospodarczych w województwie śląskim po wstąpieniu Polski do UE}, }