@misc{Pakholok_Zinaida_Antroponimy_2021, author={Pakholok, Zinaida}, address={Kielce}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach}, language={rosyjski}, abstract={The article discusses anthroponyms with a repeated derivational element that has a separate group in the category of onyms, because the repetition performs the function of the main building data material. The group includes two types of anthroponyms: speech and language. The repeated speech anthroponyms are used in lively colloquial speech. A literary language has become the scope of language anthroponyms. The analysis of anthroponyms in languages of various structures with a repeated derivational element allows to state that the speech anthroponyms are caused by the law of speech effort sav-ing and language play. The productivity of the word-building element is related to its structure, i.e. the smaller it is, the greater the functional load it performs. The commonality of the structure, motivation, as well as the scope of functioning of such anthroponyms allows to rank them as a language universal.}, type={tekst}, title={Antroponimy s povtorennym slovoobrazovatenym elementom kak yazykovaya universaliya}, title={Anthroponyms with Repeated Derivational Element as Language Universal}, doi={10.25951/4795}, }