@misc{Sokołowska_Katarzyna_Snowflake_2019, author={Sokołowska, Katarzyna}, address={Kielce}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach}, language={angielski}, abstract={Society is defined as a group of people living together in an organised way in a more or less ordered community where rules are obeyed, norms set and respected and decisions followed. For many generations there was an overall tendency to stay within set boundaries, such as the cultural boundaries of norms and behaviour acceptable in a given nation and mostly influenced by various historical changes; political boundaries considering views and dictating manners of speech to reflect those views; and religious boundaries defining what people should believe. Recognising and respecting these limits was a way of life. Nowadays, however, many people embrace their right to individuality and uniqueness, and entire nations fight for their right to independence. Moreover, welcoming diversity in every way of life has become a motto for present-day society. How much of this can be attributed to a present-day stereotype that is greatly fuelled by the mass media, the stereotype of so-called ‘snowflake society’?}, type={tekst}, title={Snowflake Society – tendency towards uniqueness as portrayed in British media with the main focus on advertisement}, doi={10.25951/4105}, }