@misc{Millán_Enrique_Lafuente_European_2023, author={Millán, Enrique Lafuente}, address={Kielce}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Jan Kochanowski University Press}, language={angielski}, abstract={Websites are fundamental tools for knowledge communication and for strategic identity construction. In academic as well as professional websites, visibility and promotion are constructed via evaluative strategies instantiated through multimodal resources made possible by new affordances provided by this medium. This study aims to investigate the strategies used for promotion and identity construction in academic websites. It also aims to shed light on the way these genres evolve due to technological and socioeconomic factors. To do this, I carry out a comparative analysis of 12 European research project websites comparing them with a reference corpus of 12 corporate websites focusing on their showcasing genres. Then, I complement this analysis with qualitative data from interviews with specialist informants. The results of the analysis show that specific contextual factors largely determine the rhetorical purposes of these websites and their use of evaluative resources. However, despite their contextual differences, the websites in the two subcorpora both seek social validation and construct strikingly similar identities to fulfil that function.}, title={European research project websitesand corporate websites:Patterns of evaluation and genre evolutionEnrique Lafuente MillánUniversity of ZaragozaABSTRACT}, type={tekst}, doi={10.25951/11265}, }