@misc{Adhikary_Haradhan_Search, author={Adhikary, Haradhan}, howpublished={online}, school={Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach}, language={angielski}, abstract={The existence and location of the critical point of strongly interacting matter are objects of both experimental and theoretical studies. As the critical point has properties of the second order phase transition, it is expected that in its vicinity the system will have special properties. NA61/SHINEapproachinvolves a two-dimensional scan in beam momentumandsystemsizeof colliding nuclei, focusing on measuring particle number fluctuations in transverse-momentum space. The study uses second-scaled factorial moments of the multiplicity distribution to quantify these fluctuations and systematically searches for any non-monotonic dependence of the observables on collision energy and nucleus size. This thesis presents the first results of proton intermittency for central Pb+Pb collisions at 13A(√sNN ≈5.1GeV),30AGeV/c(√40A and 75A GeV/c (√sNN ≈7.6GeV),andAr+Sccollisionsat13A,19A,30A, sNN ≈5.1-11.9 GeV) recorded by NA61/SHINE at the CERN SPS. The intermittency analysis is performed using both transverse and cumulative transverse momentum, and statistically independent data sets are used for each subdivision number. The results are an important milestone in the search for the critical point of strongly interacting matter. The presented results do not show evidence for the critical point of strongly interacting matter in the scanned region of the QCD phase diagram. An upper limit on the fraction of critical-proton pairs and the power of the correlation function is obtained based on a comparison with thePower-lawModeldevelopedforthispurpose. Thetheoreticalbackgroundforthecritical point and its significance in understanding the phase structure of strongly interacting matter is provided.}, title={Search for the critical point of strongly interacting matter : proton intermittency analysis by NA61/SHINE at CERN SPS}, type={rozprawa doktorska}, }